Sunday, July 15, 2018

Dewes Streeet: Underground Utility Work to Begin. Topp Lane: Road Reconstruction Continues

Dewes Street
Work Performed:
·         Mobilization of equipment and materials
·         Saw-cutting concrete pavement in locations of underground utility repairs
·         Met with Village staff on-site to review utility lay-out

Work Anticipated to be performed, July 16th to July 20th
·         Begin water main installation along Dewes Street starting at Spruce Street and working west to Shermer Road.

The heavy construction is starting later than anticipated due to scheduling conflicts. It is anticipated the water main installation will begin in the middle of next week.  It is planned the contractor will eventually bring two crews to work on the site at the same time to make up for lost time.

As construction begins, residents will notice it will be increasingly more difficult to travel along Dewes Street. Delays are anticipated traveling along the roadway, but we will do everything possible to minimize the delays to the greatest extent possible.

Thank you in advance for all your patience and understanding.

Topp Lane
Work Performed:
·         Completed underground utility improvements including sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water main installation.
·         Removed existing concrete curb & gutter, sidewalks, and driveways.
·         Removed existing asphalt pavement and driveways.
·         Installed string-line, graded aggregate, and performed preparation work for concrete curb & gutter
·         Poured concrete curb & gutter, leaving gaps in driveways as needed to provide access.
·         Started pouring concrete driveways.

Work Anticipated to be performed, July 16th to July 20th
·         Complete pouring concrete curb & gutter and driveways
·         Pour concrete sidewalks
·         Remove excess gravel from roadway
·         Make repairs to existing base materials as required
·         Grade roadway in preparation for asphalt pavement.

The roadway reconstruction phase of the project is fully underway. The concrete curb & gutter and driveways are anticipated to be completed by the end of the next week. The contractor will also be grading and getting the roadway ready for new asphalt pavement next week.

If all goes as planned, the first layer of asphalt pavement will be installed the week of July 23rd.  Once this work is completed, a smooth driving surface will be provided and the amount of dust will be greatly reduced.

Thanks again for all your patience and understanding throughout the construction project. Especially those residents that have been without driveway access during the concrete pouring and curing process.